These changes begin to be felt around 2000 and from 2003/2004 accentuate
While it seems likely that in the immediate future of the block several countries Asia-Pacific, South America and South Africa will gain importance as producers or consumers, the three most significant geographic areas currently are: NAFTA, the European Union 27 and the formed Japan, China and South Korea.
World production is between 45 and 50,000 million distributed as follows: 50% for plastic molds, matrices 45% and 5% aluminum pans.
Europe, despite the reduction suffered in recent years, contributing almost a quarter of the world and Spain between 1 and 2%
Recent developments show that the NAFTA area has decreased significantly in all, both production and consumption of both molds and dies.
By contrast, the Asian bloc has increased around: production and consumption of both molds and matrices. And, very careful, because in the period, Japan has decreased production and consumption by 15% which means that increases in China and South Korea are spectacular.
In Europe, production and consumption have increased and decreased for molds for arrays.
There is a shift of production and consumption towards the east.
The three areas are mostly sold to themselves and the situation is stable in America and Europe.
In contrast, Asia has a very stable and distinct behavior in the matrices and molds. Since 2004, Asia is increasing domestic exports of matrices while for the molds is significantly increasing external.